"Hope"-Twista ft. Faith Evans

>> Friday, December 09, 2011

My husband and I are putting together a Fundraising Dinner for our scholarship program. Working together can be a challenge because we have such different ideas and ways of doing things. Here we are life partners and we can't even be partners in a momentary task. I'm sure you understand what I am experiencing.

Why did I even decide to do this? My heart is in the right place. But why so much conflict. I expected friction but the other day in the car I said I just can't speak anymore and that's big for me. I love to talk! (Hence my blog as therapy). I'm starting to feel better just having you listen. Plus I didn't mention to you that I have two family members in the hospital and news of another stressful event.

So what drove me to the edge? These stressers and how all along I have been communicating about this event, which is tomorrow. I expected we have been on the same page as there was no disagreement but apparent signs of active listening and participation. So what happens this week? He asked me a question that we discussed earlier last month. Then he made a comment later that told me something wasn't taken care of. It was the perfect scenario to express what I should have communicated a while ago but it came out to the surface.

Now we are at crunch time and I can only Hope it will all turn out excellently and our lives will go back to calmness. Until then I can't stop playing this song. I'll fill you in on how wonderful the Dinner turns out. Until then I am holding on to HOPE.