Lesson in Today's Sunday Service
>> Sunday, November 04, 2012
Hope you enjoyed the anniversary blog party. To see the beginning, just scroll down and click "older posts" at the bottom of the screen.
I attend an amazing church and today was Teen Sunday, which meant teenagers led the service. What a fabulous job they did. There were videos, singing, comedy, and an amazing play. It was the message that was taught by three young men with different styles. I loved that at such a young age they were brutally honest about their life.
What I learned from them was that I have the wrong definition of Love. My definition will have to be redefined. I thought love was reciprocal and that when you give 100% the other person should give 100% as well. I have discovered that Jesus definition of Love is, you give 100% even if the other person does not express love back. This is the true sacrifice of Love. You love even if the other person does not. This is true Love. If your love is conditional on what you get in return, this is not true love.
Mind blowing isn't it? If you think about it even deeper on a spiritual level, God loves us, even when we do not love him. It reminds me of a scripture I learned in college, Romans 5:6-8. Basically it says, even though we did not know God/Christ, he helped us and sacrificed his life for us and that God/Christ showed the extent of his love for us even when we rejected him. We all know rejection hurts. Who would continue to love after being rejected. This is what I learned today; True Love continues to love your child, your teenager, your mother and father, your relatives and your spouse, even when their love does not add up to your expectations.
One day that'll be our kids!
That's a whole new season I can't wrap my head around.
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