>> Friday, August 12, 2011
"We are not human being having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." This was the theme of the July 30th Woman's Conference held at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Candice (Speaker)
Marcia and Kay (Speakers) "Love Your Neighbor".

Instructor for Zumba Class
of 600 women

Judges for Open Mic
The opening was a Female New York City Comedian who was very funny. I especially enjoyed her Top Ten Women's list. Then there was a dance number to Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied". Candice Started the day with Mind/Soul/Body. She read from John 5:1 and asked us the same question Jesus asked the man who was ill. "Do you want to get well?" She said sometimes we can be at the source of healing and yet not reach out or make a deliberate effort. And so we never receive healing. (John 5:1-14)
When you travel through life, you need a map to show you clearly where you are going, you need a safe vehicle for transportation and you need fuel to get you there. The mind is your map, the vehicle is your body and your emotions is your fuel.
If you scribble over the map, would you be able to see which way you should go? Some of us have our minds scribed with worry and fogginess causing confusion and blocking us from going where we want to go. We need a clear mind that is at peace. We need accurate vision to where we want to arrive and organization of mind for efficiency. (Continuation on Body and Spirit in part II).
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